Influence of Post Vulcanization on Structure and Properties of ACM 二段硫化对聚丙烯酸酯橡胶结构与性能的影响
The effect of post vulcanization on mechanical properties and permanent set at high temperature of CO/ ECO blends was investigated. 研究了二段硫化对均聚型(CO)/共聚型(ECO)氯醚共混胶的力学性能以及高温压缩永久变形的影响。
The results showed that with the proper time of post vulcanization, the tensile strength of the blends cured with NA-22 increased and elongation at break decreased; 结果表明,采用NA22硫化体系硫化的CO/ECO共混胶,在合适的二段硫化条件下,可增加硫化胶的拉伸强度,但降低了其扯断伸长率;
The Biological Effects of the Post Vulcanization of the Medical Heat Vulcanizing Silicone Elastomer 医用热硫化硅橡胶二段硫化工艺的生物学效应
The effect of the one segment and post vulcanization on the ρ vof the conductive rubber were investigated. 研究了一、二段硫化方法对橡胶样品体积电阻率的影响。